Our Services

Comprehensive Election Management

Let us focus on running your Annual Meeting, so you can get back to the business of running your building. We recommend election solutions based on the needs of your community. We take the lead by coordinating between your stakeholders to ensure your Annual Meeting conforms to your bylaws, security concerns and electorate.

We personalize your meeting by creating custom ballot proxies.  We can support real-time motions at the meeting and nominations from the floor.  We can also support hybrid (combined in-person and virtual) elections.

Voting and Election Options

Easy voting is an essential part of our process. We provide many voting options for diverse voters.

Our online system sends push notification reminders to voters. Online voting is as easy as opening an email, clicking a link and making your voting selections. We also support paper voting via USPS, drop boxes placed in the lobby, we can supply a voting machine to your lobby or SMS links to online voting options.

When voters have questions, they use our dedicated support phone number or email address. We actually pick up the phone. We treat voters as we want to be treated.

Safety Features and Protocols

EZ Election Solutions is designed at the core to maintain election integrity. This includes:

  • Establishing a secure link using 256KB SSL between the voter computer and our servers. This is the same security that banks use.

  • For secret ballots, keeping the voter choices anonymous and not linking the choices to the voters themselves. Through obfuscation, we ensure that the voter list cannot be watched and compared to summary of election results, and the results can be hidden until the election is complete.

  • Allowing only eligible voters to vote using anonymous access keys and offering two- factor authentication even higher security, either by asking for a password or sending a code to the voter’s cellphone.

  • Ensuring certifiable results by preventing and monitoring tampering. For each vote, a hash code is created from the voter choices and voter information, shared with voters and stored in a separate log file. The hash code is recreated with the results are tallied, and the code is published to voters and compared to the log file. As long as the hash matches the one received by the voter, the results are valid. This also creates a voting mechanism that is verifiable and observable.