Over the last several years, we have seen the increasing demands put on boards and managing agents. Our services are designed to lighten the load.

The professional expertise and real-world Board experience of our management team allows us to deliver a service that leads the industry in security, election integrity and client satisfaction. Our system has the flexibility to manage complex elections and situations, including real-time motions and nominations from the floor.

We treat your building like our own.

About Us

Our clients have been thrilled by our hands-on approach to customer service.  With 35 years of combined Board Member experience, we hold a deep understanding of the inner workings of the process and work seamlessly to manage all Stakeholders.  Our solutions are tailored to your needs.  We offer an array of security options to ensure that we can manage the most complicated elections and security concerns. 

Client Experience

We developed an industry leading, propriety security process to ensure the integrity of your election and meeting.


Proprietary Security Process
and Election Integrity

Our process focuses taking the work off of your plate.  Press the EZ Button.  We review and update the entire election process, including the Annual Meeting Packet.  We work to achieve Board approvals and coordinate with building stakeholders.  We coordinate prep meetings, manage the electorate and mitigate risk.

For Managing Agents

For Attorneys

We work with you to confirm the meeting adheres to building bylaws.  We review any specific security concerns to ensure election integrity.  Election results are certified in accordance with BCL 611.  Upon request, we allow for inspectors of elections, support auditing requirements and furbish balloting for good recordkeeping.

“During the pandemic, the team set up a system that was easy for our shareholders to navigate, but completely protected the integrity of the election…”

— Jeffrey Lenobel, President, Phoenix Owners Corp.

Meet the Management Team

Managing Partner, has 8 years of board experience in her 500-unit building located in Flatiron. She served as Treasurer, VP and has been the President since 2019. Professionally, she is a client services and communications expert, trained to find consensus to move projects forward. She previously worked at The Economist with clients from Fortune 500 companies, NGOs and governmental organizations across 5 continents.

Corinne Arnold

Managing Partner, has over 27 consecutive years of board experience in his 193-unit building located in Murray Hill. He has experience in all of the officer roles and is currently a Director. His professional background includes over 24 years of corporate experience in the Technology Division of Goldman Sachs and several years at the PropTech start up, BoardPackager, where he is also an investor.

Will Kwan

Questions? Let’s Chat.